Monday, August 24, 2009

My Crazy Dog

My dog has recently started hanging out in the bathtub while I am gone. It has only been since I got back from vacation back in July. I'm not sure why - the bathtub? She doesn't like taking baths, so why would she lay in the bathtub while I'm gone?
I realized that's where she was one day when I came home and I heard all this scrambling and banging. She was having trouble getting out...
Maybe it's a cool place to lay, or maybe she's hiding and feels safe there...who knows.
I wish I had a picture of it, but I haven't been able to catch her yet - but I always hear her jumping out when I walk in the door.
That's my crazy dog...

1 comment:

Kim said...

That's hilarious! Every morning I think about laying in my tub instead of showering. It's tempting when you're tired!!!